Monday, September 20, 2010

Moment of Truth: A Conversation

Shubhra Talukdar: Wondering why people want to get on Moment of Truth - it destroys your life, career, relationships, soul... Why would one want to do that?

Perhaps is it because the soul is already destroyed? And a session on Moment of Truth the Grand Finale?

Sukhada Kulkarni
: I think the moment of truth is to make your soul better..

Shubhra Talukdar: ... but in the most damaging way possible?

Harish Dash: The problem is "Moment of truth" should be in the right moment i.e. when the time is apt, you gotta tell the truth and not on a tv show. If truth is not told in the right time, it is bound to be painful as it has to uncover the false cover created by lie long accepted.

Divya Sharma: i feel its imp to know the truth.. Even if its bitter.. Why to live in a false world built on illusions? You will have everything but ur peace of mind then!