Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Basic Civics: Freedom and Responsibilities

To those who say that raising anti-national slogans is not basis enough for a sedition charge, or that it infringes on Freedom of Speech, I say this:
Freedom has responsibilities: The ultra-liberal quote that "you are free to feel whatever you want to and so do I" has to recognize the fact that there are some necessary limitations and restrictions due to responsibilities and others' rights. Absolute freedom, minus responsibility, ranges from irresponsibility and chaos, to tyranny. Simply put, one's rights cannot triumph others' rights, nor state of unity.
We enjoy the freedom, because, together we have established the state which grants us these. One cannot seek more freedom at the cost of the state - such internal weakness is the cause when civilization crumbles, and barbarism reigns.
As has been rightly said, "We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

40 Really Powerful Pictures

Really moving pictures these are...  Please take time to view them completely:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Vacancy: An Icon for India

What does India need urgently?

An Icon.

Not the icon of of just a religious or a display nature, but a Symbol.  An Indian who stands for something.  All societies and nations need an Idea or Person or something, to which they can believe, and internalize.  Something which can give Identity, a sense of togetherness, something that rises above the petty divisions of caste and creed, community and religion.  Without this symbol, we Indians are doomed to fight our petty internecine battles – never to rise above the pitfalls of our diversity.  

We have given up on our politicos (barring a very small minority), to be an Icon.  For these few, it is a struggle against the entrenched bloated crass set, collectively encompassing the legislature and the bureaucracy.  We’ve seen cases of judicial activism – but the judiciary cannot take the place of the legislature.  Our intelligentsia set is no good, endlessly debating various logic to their bitter end, or paralysis by analysis, if you must.  This makes people escape to sports-persons (cricketers?) and/ or movie – and TV – persona, good in their fields, but not suitable enough to transcend barriers and inspire policy.

An Icon, when when he or she emerges will unite our hopes, desires, loves and fears.  The identity forged therein will transcend our current identities of region/ religion.  And make them irrelevant.

The time is ripe for our Icon.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A Soldier at Heaven's Gate

Came across this while surfing the web:

A soldier died on the field of battle and came up to the gates of heaven, where he met God. He said to God, "Lord, I know I did many things I am not proud of, and many more that you won't approve of, so if you send me to hell, I won't argue." God stood there for a moment, and then turned to the gatekeeper of heaven,"Let him in", He said. The gatekeeper, confused, asked "Why?"
God looked down at the soldier and said,"This man just came from hell."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some Thoughts on Evolution

"Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process. Morality loses its meaning. The question of good and evil reduces to one simple choice: Survive or perish."

Primarily, irrationality has been playing an important role in the evolution of the human race as well as impact on individual and group actions till date... This is primarily because we have evolved thought process.

Further on, I was just wondering how the humans are different from other species as in decisions by a few humans can affect entire groups of humans, other flora and fauna, and the entire planet...
Some of our members have tremendous amounts... of power.

In that context, many decisions are based on irrationality and personal biases, or for the purpose of acquisition of more power/ wealth/resources/etc. Not always does morality as in 'the greatest good of the greatest number' figure.

Applying that to evolution, lots of genetic variants, which defines evolution, are lost due to such decisions aforementioned. Accidents aside, the factors which determine evolution of other species, are further added to by such politico-socio-economic considerations.

And when conflicts arise, those who are left are not always right. The fact that they have survived and are able to have progeny determines the evolutionary path

Monday, September 20, 2010

Moment of Truth: A Conversation

Shubhra Talukdar: Wondering why people want to get on Moment of Truth - it destroys your life, career, relationships, soul... Why would one want to do that?

Perhaps is it because the soul is already destroyed? And a session on Moment of Truth the Grand Finale?

Sukhada Kulkarni
: I think the moment of truth is to make your soul better..

Shubhra Talukdar: ... but in the most damaging way possible?

Harish Dash: The problem is "Moment of truth" should be in the right moment i.e. when the time is apt, you gotta tell the truth and not on a tv show. If truth is not told in the right time, it is bound to be painful as it has to uncover the false cover created by lie long accepted.

Divya Sharma: i feel its imp to know the truth.. Even if its bitter.. Why to live in a false world built on illusions? You will have everything but ur peace of mind then!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


There was a day when sunshine came
And suddenly all felt bright and clear
There was spring in my step
And the music of the winds I could hear

There is something in living for others
Which one must experience to know
It cannot be told, written about or expressed
But can be the power to which one must bow

The sun and its shine have gone for now
And it is damp and dark once more
The heart alone knows the pain it endures
And yearns again for the light pure

But, painful it may be, powerless it is not
Hope is the source it shall draw upon
Enough strength it will provide
To go though life, and preserve one

Hence, through the rain
Shall walk I
Other may get wet
But my head remains high

What is gone, may return
Or mayhaps, it may not
But it is only one life we have
So its time for happiness we fought

It is only one life have
Time to live it in style
Make it meaningful
Make it worthwhile...